The Benefits Of Coconut Oil Supplements

The Benefits Of coconut oil Supplements

Coconut oil is one of the most effective natural oils found in the world at present. The special feature is that it has antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-oxidant, and weight loss potential effects. Do you know the benefits of coconut oil supplements? Although coconut oil is criticized for its high content of saturated fatty acids, the quality … Read more

5 Caffeine Benefits And Side Effects

Caffeine Benefits And Side Effects

Caffeine is an alkaloid derived from a variety of plant parts (fruits, leaves, seeds). It is widely present in the addition of beverages or foods such as coffee, teas, chocolate, cocoa, etc. Because it has improved body endurance after ingestion to reduce fatigue, improve mental alertness and concentration, it is also known as the most … Read more

5 Avocado Benefits And Side Effects

Avocado Benefits And Side Effects

Avocado is an important tropical fruit native to Central America and Mexico(because it is pear-shaped, with green, uneven skin, like a crocodile). According to archaeology, evidence that avocados began to be eaten by humans more than 7,000 years ago, and has been cultivated in all tropical and subtropical regions to this days. Do you know avocado … Read more

5 Horny Goat Weed Benefits And Side Effects

Horny Goat Weed Benefits And Side Effects

Horny Goat Weed is a herbaceous plant known for its natural aphrodisiac. It’s named after the sheep ate the epimedium leaves that grow near the farmland, which is more lively and sexually active. Do you know horny goat weed benefits and side effects? Table of Contents What is Horny Goat Weed? What are the benefits … Read more

Benefits Of Nattokinase Supplements

Benefits Of Nattokinase Supplements

Nattokinase is one of the most active functional ingredients in natto, the most unique is as a single compound, with potential effects of anti-thrombosis, anti-hypertension, anti-coagulation, anti-atherosclerosis, neuroprotections, etc. What are the benefits of nattokinase supplements? Table of Contents What is Nattokinase? How to use Nattokinase? What are the benefits of Nattokinase? 1. Nattokinase can … Read more

4 Acai Berry Benefits And Side Effects

Acai berry is regarded as a functional food, because of its nutritional value and food therapy prospects have received widespread attention from the international community. The study found that acai berry has a higher antioxidant capacity than other anthocyanin-rich fruits (such as blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, etc.). Do you know acai berry’s benefits and side effects? … Read more