5 Lavender Essential Oil Benefits And Side Effects

Lavender Essential Oil Benefits And Side Effects

Lavender Essential Oil is currently the most commonly used aromatherapy product (extracted from flowers, stems, and leaves) in the world. It is a light yellow viscous liquid with a special sweetness and is often used in perfumes. , cosmetics and bath products, has a history of 2500 years. Do you know lavender essential oil benefits … Read more

What Are The Side Effects Of Peppermint?

What are the uses of peppermint? Peppermint can be used to treat common colds, coughs, inflammation of the mouth and throat, sinus infections, respiratory infections, and digestive problems. In general, peppermint can be used for the following symptoms: Irregular menstruation Hepatobiliary problem Spasm during endoscopy Refreshing In addition, peppermint oil is also used to rub … Read more

7 Garlic Benefits And Side Effects

Garlic Benefits And Side Effects

Garlic has been used as a magical medicine since ancient times. In the era when medicine was underdeveloped, garlic, like aspirin, can treat many common diseases. Do you know garlic’s benefits and side effects? The main active ingredient in garlic comes from allicin, which is a substance formed after garlic is destroyed by an external … Read more

5 Benefits Of Lycopene Supplements

Lycopene is a fat-soluble natural antioxidant in vegetables and fruits. Its antioxidant effect is 2 times that of β-carotene, 10 times that of vitamin E, and gives plants a bright red appearance (commonly found in tomatoes, watermelons, guava, Cranberry, papaya). Do you know benefits of lycopene supplements? Over the past decades, foods containing lycopene have … Read more

5 Biotin Benefits And Side Effects

Biotin Benefits And Side Effects

Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, is a member of the vitamin B complex. It is the most important cofactor of various carbonic enzymes in the human body. It is an indispensable nutrient for fatty acid synthesis, glycogen regeneration, and amino acid decomposition. Do you know biotin benefits and side effect? In addition, biotin has … Read more