What Are The Side Effects Of Turmeric?

What are the uses of Turmeric? Turmeric is a plant belonging to the genus Turmeric of the Zingiberaceae family. Its roots are commonly used to make medicine and can be widely used for many diseases, such as Arthritis, gastroesophageal reflux, stomach pain, joint pain, Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Heart Bypass Surgery, postoperative care, bleeding, diarrhea, … Read more

5 Feverfew Benefits And Side Effects

Feverfew Benefits And Side Effects

Feverfew is an Asteraceae plant derived from the Balkan Peninsula in southern Europe, and its English name comes from the Latin febrifuge, which means antipyretic medicine. It has been widely used by folk medicine for improving fever, various paints, and mosquitoes for hundreds of years. Intractable diseases such as bites and reproductive problem are also … Read more

4 Conjugated Linoleic Acid Benefits

Conjugated Linoleic Acid Benefits

Conjugated linoleic acid/CLA is essentially a type of trans fatty acid, but it is a natural form found in food. Unlike common synthetic trans fats, CLA has biological benefits, especially for weight loss products. ingredient. Do you know conjugated linoleic acid benefits? Some animal studies have pointed out that conjugated linoleic acid has many health … Read more

5 Iron Benefits And Side Effects

Iron Benefits And Side Effects

Iron is the fourth most abundant element on earth and the most thoroughly studied mineral nutrient. Iron is an important component of hemoglobin, myoglobin, and various enzymes. It is an indispensable substance for a variety of physiological reactions, including carrying oxygen, energy production, DNA replication, and repair. It requires participation. Iron also plays an important … Read more

What Are The Side Effects Of Rosemary?

What are the uses of rosemary? Rosemary is an herbal medicine that people extract and refine into essential oils to make medicine. Rosemary can be used to treat: Indigestion problems, including Heartburn, Intestinal gas-cysts, flatulence, liver and gallbladder diseases, and lack of appetite Gout cough headache Memory loss due to old age Please note that … Read more