12 Vitamin E Benefits And Side Effects

Vitamin E Benefits And Side Effects

Vitamin E is a kind of fat-soluble antioxidant. It is a light yellow oily substance, also known as tocopherol or vitamin E because it was first discovered that it is related to the reproductive ability of animals. If it is lacking, it will easily cause infertility and miscarriage. But decades of research have shown that … Read more

What Are The Benefits Of Taking Vitamin D?

What Are The Benefits Of Taking Vitamin D

Basic concepts of Vitamin D Vitamin D is a trace vitamin found in certain foods, including herring, mackerel, sardine, and tuna fat. Vitamin D is sometimes added to dairy products, juices, and cereals for easier access to Vitamin D. Among them, such products are called “Vitamin D enhanced” product. However, most Vitamin D is obtained … Read more

4 Pumpkin Seed Oil Benefits And Side Effects

Pumpkin Seed Oil Benefits And Side Effects

Pumpkin Seed Oil comes from pressed unhulled pumpkin seeds (dark green or deep red depending on the concentration) and has been used in some parts of Europe for more than 300 years. There are two main sources of pumpkin seed oil, both are Cucurbitaceae squash plants. One is the American pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo), and the … Read more

6 Vitamin A Benefits And Side Effects

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin, not a single structure, is composed of a group of similar molecules, with Retinol and β-carotene (beta-carotene, vitamin A precursor substance) is the most common. In the human body, vitamin A is mainly related to cell growth and differentiation, embryonic development, organ formation, immune function, and visual development. Do … Read more

4 Saw Palmetto Benefits And Side Effects

In the United States, Saw Palmetto berry extract is one of the most commonly used dietary supplements. A survey found that more than 1.6 million American male adults have taken saw palmetto extract, mainly used to treat benign Symptoms of the lower urinary tract caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia. Do you know saw palmetto benefits … Read more