The Health Benefits Of Vitamin K

The Health Benefits Of Vitamin K

The basic concept of vitamin K Vitamin K is a vitamin found in green leafy vegetables, broccoli, and cabbage, and is a vitamin that helps blood clot. There are several different types of vitamin K: The main products available in North America are vitamin K1 (Phytonadione, also known as phylloquinone) and vitamin K2 (Menaquinone, also … Read more

The Benefits Of Bilberry Supplements

The Benefits Of Bilberry Supplements

Bilberry is a dark purple/blue-black berry produced by bilberry plants, and has high anthocyanin content for other types of berries, such as strawberries, cranberries, elderberries, tart cherries, and cranberries, are key biologically active substances. Bilberry is sold mainly in the form of fresh, frozen, and dried whole berries, and are also sold as preserves, jams, … Read more

8 Hyaluronic Acid Benefits And Side Effects

Hyaluronic Acid Benefits And Side Effects

The discovery of hyaluronic acid was proposed by Karl Meyer, the father of mucopolysaccharide chemistry, and they subsequently isolated this substance from the vitreous of cattle and named it hyalos. Do you know the hyaluronic acid benefits and side effects? The word hyalos comes from Greek, meaning glass, and refers to a transparent, glass-like appearance. … Read more

9 Maca Benefits And Side Effects

Maca Benefits And Side Effects

Maca is the most popular aphrodisiac health food in recent years, also known as Inca radish, Peruvian Viagra, or Peruvian ginseng. Do you know the maca benefits and side effects? In addition, Maca still has anti-fatigue, anti-oxidation, neuroprotection, balance hormones, improve sexual function, prevent prostate hyperplasia, improve conception rate, relieve menopausal discomfort, immune regulation, and … Read more

The Benefits Of Coenzyme Q10 Supplements

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) because of its ubiquitous properties, also known as ubiquinone, participate in energy generation, but also can fight free radicals, accelerate metabolism, slow down aging, can be called rejuvenating nutrients. Do you know the benefits of coenzyme q10 supplements? Are there any side effects? Table of Contents What is Coenzyme Q10? What are … Read more

7 Benefits Of Lecithin Supplements

Benefits Of Lecithin Supplements

Lecithin is a common dietary supplement that is often claimed to have cholesterol-lowering and unclogging mammary duct obstruction and is helpful for cognitive function and liver health. Do you know the benefits of lecithin supplements? Is lecithin really work? Is there any side effect? For more details, see the article below. Table of Contents What … Read more