What Are The Benefits Of Vitamin E?

What Are The Benefits Of Vitamin E

What is Vitamin E? Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin component, also known as tocopherol, which is a type of fat-soluble antioxidant. Do you know what are the benefits of Vitamin E? It’s a general term for 8 similar molecules. The main physiological activity is α-tocopherols. It’s special because it can penetrate cell membranes, eliminate … Read more

The Benefits Of Alpha Lipoic Acid Supplements

The Benefits Of Alpha Lipoic Acid Supplements

The first clinical application of Alpha-lipoic acid was used by German doctors to treat acute poisoning caused by dead cap mushrooms (commonly known as “dead cap”). In the 1980s, Alpha-lipoic acid was found to be a powerful antioxidant, and With fat-soluble and water-soluble characteristics, it has the effect of resisting many chronic diseases, so it … Read more

Benefits Of Chlorophyll Supplements

Benefits Of Chlorophyll Supplements

Chlorophylls are often used as food additives or health supplements and are considered to have anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, hypolipidemic, anti-mutagenic, anti-odor, anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, detoxification, and other effects. Do you know the benefits of chlorophyll supplements? Are there any side effects? Table of Contents What is chlorophyll? What is the difference between chlorophyll and chlorophyllic acid? … Read more

The Benefits Of Red Yeast Rice Supplements

The Benefits Of Red Yeast Rice Supplements

Red Yeast Rice is a traditional fermented product that has been used for brewing rice wine for centuries, as a flavor enhancer, food coloring agent, and can promote digestion and metabolism. Modern medicine has discovered that red yeast rice extract has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-tumor activity, and has potential help for the prevention and improvement … Read more

The Benefits Of Prenatal Vitamins

The Benefits Of Prenatal Vitamins

Pregnancy is the period when women are most prone to nutritional deficiencies. Sufficient macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats) and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and water) are the keys to the normal development of the fetus. Do you know the benefits of prenatal vitamins? Pregnant women with uneven nutritional intake during pregnancy will not only increase … Read more

5 Pectin Benefits And Side Effects

Pectin Benefits And Side Effects

Pectin is a viscous soluble fiber that can form a gel and is found in natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, and beans. Because pectin has the advantages of biological activities, biocompatibility, biodegradability, reproducibility, low cost, and easy modification. At present, there are a variety of pectin health foods on the market, such as apple … Read more